The Last Vermeer is an intriguing tale about art, reputation and war history. This film is based on a true story set after World War 2 and based on the book titled “The Man Who Made Vermeers” by Jonathan Lopez.
Soldier Joseph Piller is tasked with investigating renowned Dutch artist Han van Meegeren (Guy Pearce). There are rumours he collaborated with the Nazis during the war.
Han is a colourful character with liberal views. His bodyguard starts painting with him as he held captive in the loft. When he discovers his hidden stash of cash and whisky, things start to go off track.
The set designs are stunning and packed with so many beautiful details for art connoisseurs. If this interests you then definitely see it in cinema. But grab a glass of wine, because the story drags just a tad too long.
“The heartbeat of The Last Vermeer is the question of, what is art and what makes something a fake or not,” says director Dan Friedkin. “People can create convenient answers for that. And sometimes, it’s a moral consideration or a decision that impacts the value of art. I was fascinated with that, and these are issues that are personal to me and which I’ve been thinking about and deliberating over for a long time. Joseph Piller is trying to determine what’s right or wrong, and Han van Meegeren contains another layer that is specific to him, and it all stems from those undercurrents.”
Claes Bang, as Joseph, simmers in the final courtroom drama (think a Danish Gregory Peck). Trust is tested, while relationships are broken and rebuilt.
The Last Vermeer is one for artists and history buffs.
“Guy Pearce plays the role of his life” — Deadline
Release date: 25 March 2021
About The Last Vermeer
Claes Bang (The Square) stars as Joseph Piller in this captivating dramatic thriller set just after WWII – an all but forgotten true story – about a soldier investigating renowned Dutch artist Han van Meegeren, played by Guy Pearce (LA Confidential), who is accused of conspiring with the Nazis. Despite mounting evidence, Piller becomes increasingly convinced of Han’s innocence and finds himself in the unlikely position of fighting to save the life of the colourful man with a mysterious past. The film also features Vicky Krieps (Phantom Thread). #thelastvermeer
Starring Guy Pearce, Claes Bang, Vicky Krieps
Directed by Dan Friedkin
Official Selection – Telluride Film Festival
Official Selection – Toronto International Film Festival
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