It’s hard to believe The Duke is based on a true story. Kempton Bunton is a struggling taxi diver who steals a famous painting.
Kempton refuses to pay for a television license*. He decides to take a stand and send a ransom note to the authorities. He’ll only return the Duke of Wellington to the National Gallery in London, if the government invests more money in caring for the elderly.
His strong beliefs in sticking up for the rights of others gets him in trouble. He tries to hide his situation from his wife, while she works as a housekeeper.
Kempton is a passionate guy who spends his spare time writing plays. You can’t help but barrack for the little guys in this film. They’re a hard-working family who struggles to get ahead.
There’s lots of laughs in this tall tale. The family is endearing and you might be surprised about what really happened.
The Duke is a rather cheeky British story that’s well worth a go. You don’t have to see this one in the cinema, but make sure you add it to your film wish list.
The Duke has an Australian release date of 31 March 2022.
*A strange quirky tax that still exists in England. It’s hard to imagine paying for television when you already pay taxes, but we did begrudgingly did while we lived there. Perhaps this funding allows the British to produce high-quality shows.
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