Little Wing is an unexpectedly solid coming-of-age story from Finland. The film is based on 12-year-old Varpu as she attempts to fit in with her friends at school and her horse-riding club. The role is played superbly and with maturity by Linnea Skog. She won a Jussi Award for Best Actress.
Her emotional single mother isn’t helping the situation. As Father’s Day approaches, Varpu wants to find her real father and she embarks on a risky journey to find him.
The filmmaker, Selma Vilhunen, based the script on her own difficult relationship with her father and his mental illness. The film has been nominated for a number of awards.
The editing was jarring in the beginning, but I must have gotten used to it, or after a while, I was so absorbed by the storyline I didn’t notice. I didn’t have any expectations, but this film has a unique tenderness.
Little Wing is a beautiful and moving story of adolescence.
Finnish with English subtitles. Australian premiere.
Little Wing is a coming-of-age story from Finland which is showing as part of the Scandinavian Film Festival.
Cast: Linnea Skog, Paula Vesala, Antti Luusuaniemi
Director: Selma Vilhunen
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