I didn’t have high expectations going into Bill and Ted Face the Music, but I was pleasantly surprised to find it’s rather enjoyable.
Sure, Bill and Ted have a weird relationship and demeanor, but fortunately their daughters seem to be more normal, albeit music nerds.
The lead pair head to counselling with their wives then time travel to find their lives haven’t turned out the way they intended them to.
In order to save the world, they need to find the ultimate song to unite humanity. While Bill and Ted are revisiting different time periods, they ponder their actions and meet new characters. Their daughters manage to create the ultimate band out of key figures in musical history.
I forget what happened in the original Bill and Teds, so you might like to revisit them before heading in. The script in littered with random references to music theory and history.
It’s time to face the music and head back to the cinema, with Bill and Ted. Remember to ‘be excellent to each other’ and ‘party on dudes’.
About Bill and Ted
It’s time to save the world, dudes! Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter return in the all-new trailer for Bill & Ted Face the Music, coming soon to Australia & New Zealand cinemas! #BillAndTed3 #FaceTheMusic
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