The Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital is a wildlife preservation charity located next to Australia Zoo.
The Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital has:
- treated over 120,000 animals since opening including over 10,000 koalas
- treated more than 1500 sea turtles since opening including over 290 sea turtles last year
- a hospital with an operating theatre, x-ray and pathology lab
- temperature-controlled intensive care units
- a hyperbaric chamber
- an extensive sea turtle facility including four small ICU units and a larger rehabilitation pool
During Trauma Season, the hospital may receive sick, injured and orphaned native animals for lifesaving treatment and care. This may include treating more than 200 patients a week.

Caring for Koalas
Wildlife conservationist Terri Irwin said, “The primary causes of koala admittance at the Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital are vehicle strikes, along with disease and domestic pet attacks.”
Did you know that koalas are now classed as endangered across Queensland, New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory?
“Koalas need our help now more than ever, and being part of the incredible Wildlife Warriors team means that we at the Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital are striving for the same goal of saving wildlife and wild places, continuing Steve Irwin’s important legacy,” said Dr Ludovica Valenza, Supervisor and Veterinarian at Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital.

The Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital collaborates with researchers to ensure the ongoing protection of Australian animals.
The Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, treating sick, injured and orphaned wildlife every day of the year.

About Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital
The Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital is one of the conservation projects of Wildlife Warriors, a charity founded by Steve and Terri Irwin in 2002 for the preservation of wildlife and wild places globally.
Despite the ever-growing costs of treating wildlife, native animals are never turned away for lifesaving treatment and care at the Wildlife Hospital. From humble beginnings as an avocado packing shed being transformed into a functioning hospital, the specialised facility today is equipped with an operating theatre, x-ray and pathology lab, temperature-controlled ICU units, a hyperbaric chamber, an extensive sea turtle facility, and a passionate veterinary team to give wildlife a second chance at survival.
To find out about Wildlife Warriors and the Wildlife Hospital, visit wildlifewarriors.org.au.
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