Twist is a modern day take on the Dickensian tale Oliver Twist, where a young orphan is subjected to a life of poverty until he comes upon a family of sorts that takes him in. It joins the queue of numerous film adaptations since the book was first published. A young Twist (played by Raff Law) has come to enjoy painting and learning about art from his single mother Molly … [Read more...] about Twist – Film review
Michael Caine
Four Kids and It – Film review
Four Kids and It is a fun, family action adventure story of four children who stumble upon a centuries-old wish-granting enigma, that they will need to protect from an evil interloper. The tale is inspired by Five Children and It, the turn-of-the-century children’s classic by English author E. Nesbit, and is updated for today’s modern family. Things aren’t exactly easy for … [Read more...] about Four Kids and It – Film review