Twist is a modern day take on the Dickensian tale Oliver Twist, where a young orphan is subjected to a life of poverty until he comes upon a family of sorts that takes him in. It joins the queue of numerous film adaptations since the book was first published. A young Twist (played by Raff Law) has come to enjoy painting and learning about art from his single mother Molly … [Read more...] about Twist – Film review
Burning – Film Review
Based on a story by Haruki Murakami, Korean director Lee Chang-dong’s thriller Burning was the most acclaimed film of Cannes. Novelistic in scope, grandeur and impact, and featuring three brilliant performances, it’s a study of thwarted love, ambition and obsession. While working as a courier in Seoul, aspiring young writer Jong-su (Yoo Ah-in) encounters the lively Haemi … [Read more...] about Burning – Film Review