The National Football league is the biggest sports league in the US by far with over half of the
entire country tuning in to watch the Super Bowl, the final game of the season, every year. More
and more Australians have started to pick up an interest in the sport, and watching the games
on a Sunday morning can be a nice and fun way to start the day.
American football is an incredibly explosive and exciting sport to watch. The season runs from the
first games in September until the big finale kicks off in February. There is a ton of content to take
part in and many Australian bookmakers also offer up the ability to bet on the games. You can
check out the Cardinals odds and many others by clicking on the link.
Read up on the rules
People who are familiar with rugby might feel like they can just jump in and understand how a
game of American football works. However, big men tackling each other and trying to move a ball
from one side of the field to the next is more or less where the similarities begin and end.
American football is structured completely differently, and just tuning into a game can lead to a lot
of confusion. Taking some time to watch an explanatory video will go a long way towards
increasing your enjoyment of watching.
Watch the highlights
One of the most fun ways of staying involved in the season as it progresses through the year is by
watching the highlights of the games online. A game of American football can sometimes stretch
for over three hours including commercial breaks and the highlights can then be a fun way of
staying involved with everything that’s happening throughout the league. If you’re looking for a
place in Brisbane that shows the games, take a look here.
Pick a team to root for
This is one of the best things to do to keep your engagement levels high during the season. Having
a team that you follow is one of the best ways to get involved in any sport. There are a ton of
interesting teams with great fan bases and other things. With 32 teams spread out across the
country you’re bound to find a team that piques your interest. Regardless of whether you choose
a team based on a city that you’ve visited or just because you like the logo and uniforms, it won’t
take long to become emotionally involved.
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