We recently caught up with Terri Cooper, who kindly gave us an exclusive interview
Tell us about your work
My position is Small Business Liaison for the City of Brisbane. Brisbane City Council do quite a bit to assist small business and my job is to get the information out to the small businesses of Brisbane and hear their challenges.
How did you get interested in helping small businesses?
Up until December 2016, I ran my own small business for 15 years. In around 2008, I started the Australian Small Business Group and have been an advocate for small business since then. The challenges of running a small business are very different to larger size businesses, and therefore they need a unique set of solutions
What are some of the ways Brisbane City Council can help small businesses?
One of the key things is the Business Hotline 133 BNE (133 263) This hotline is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week for business assistance.
There’s also the Lord Mayor’s Small Business Forums, which are held all around the suburbs of Brisbane and are free to attend.
We also run small business Power up workshops to keep small business owners up to date with digital marketing, social media, SEO and all things digital.
The Lord Mayor’s Business Awards are great for getting recognition and exposure for your business. I also offer free small business 1 on 1’s where we discuss their business and what council has that could be helpful, brainstorm ideas. Anyone who would like to know more can email smallbiz@brisbanemarketing.com.au
What’s been the highlight of your career so far?
Being able to help provide solutions to Brisbane small businesses, and building relationships with the State and Federal small business offices so that matters relating to their jurisdiction can be passed on directly. Obviously, being able to work with our Lord Mayor is a huge highlight!
What do you love most about what you do?
I love being able to share the initiatives that Brisbane City Council have available. Most people I meet with are blown away by what’s on offer and are extremely impressed with the effort that goes into supporting small businesses in Brisbane.
Who or what inspires you?
I’m inspired by the unique and innovative business ideas that people come up with and the lengths they go to, to make their business dreams come true. We have some truly inspiring businesses here in Brisbane.
The next 12 months
The next 12 months will be about recognising and acknowledging the role that small business plays in the Brisbane economy, making sure we are educating and informing small businesses with what they need to know to grow their business, and being the leader in small business in Australia.
About Brisbane City Council – Business in Brisbane
For more information, head to the section on the Brisbane City Council website dedicated to doing Business in Brisbane or email: smallbiz@brisbanemarketing.
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