A Marvellous Light by Freya Marske is her debut novel.
When Reginald Gatling goes missing, the young Sir Robert (Robin) Blyth takes over his office at the Home Office in London. Seemingly he has been made assistant in the “Office of Special Domestic Affairs and Complaints” and has also inherited Reggie’s typist, Miss Adelaide Harita Morrissey.
Unbeknown to Robin, however, he’s actually been appointed parliamentary liaison to a secret magical society. This, it seems, is due to the fact that his, now deceased, parents made an enemy of the wrong person!
Gradually, after attracting a deadly curse and being plagued by visions, he soon discovers the
magic that underlies his world.
Robin is determined to find out what happened to his predecessor, but he’ll need the help of his reluctant magical-society counterpart. Edwin Courcey makes it clear that he will only help Robin under duress.
Thrown together by fate Robin and Edwin discover a deadly scheme that, should it come to fruition, will endanger every magician in the land.
This is a wonderful novel full, not only of evil intentions and wickedness, but of love and friendship, underlaid with a quirky sense of humour.
Many of this amazing mix of characters will hopefully appear in future novels.
A truly brilliant debut novel with so much magical, ancient and evil intent that it would make Harry Potter run for the hills!
FYI – suitable for adult readers only as it does contain explicit sex scenes.
ISBN: 9781529080896
A Marvellous Light is available in hardback, paperback and e-book.
About Freya Marske
Freya Marske lives in Australia, where she is yet to be killed by any form of wildlife. She writes stories full of magic, blood, and as much kissing as she can get away with. She also co-hosts the Hugo Award-nominated podcast Be the Serpent. Her hobbies include figure skating and discovering new art galleries. She is also on a quest to try all the gin in the world.
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