There’s a limit to how many times you can yell “rain, rain, go away” until you have to concede that the rain is here to stay. However, don’t let it spoil your celebration. It’s not necessary to spend the entire day indoors in inclement weather, watching TV, playing games on your phone or at your preferred real money online casino, or reading a good book. You should undoubtedly continue if that’s what you decide to do.
If not, then there’s a bright side: Brisbane offers many indoor things to choose from that’ll keep you dry and extremely busy. Here are Brisbane’s top rainy day activities, from nostalgic arcades to immersive experiences.
Play Arcade Games
Every day is lucky at the player’s paradise since there are so many arcade games and deserving rewards. The simplest way to pass the time is to engage in a little healthy competition, so get up your friends and go over to B. Lucky & Sons. You’ll work up an appetite from all the hustling, but there are plenty of drinks and food at the bar.
Go Indoor Skydiving
Superheroes don’t all wear sports capes. Instead, kids dress in iFLY’s cute tiny flight suits, goggles, and helmets. You don’t need fine weather or to jump out of an aeroplane to experience thrills. You’ll learn how to conquer the wind tunnel and feel as free as a bird from committed teachers. Your flight path is open to people of all ages and ability levels, and there are constantly new talents to develop.
Visit a Theatre
Look no further than a bit of theatre for a dry night out where Brisbane’s magnificent theatrical tapestry may flourish without the worry of failure. Ad Astra presents a diverse range of international and local talent, pushing performers to realise their full creative potential while delivering tales that’ll stick with you long after the storm has passed.
Play Indoor Putt Putt
Imagine putt-putt golf, but add a pop culture paradise and a lively bar, and you have Holey Moly. More is the guiding principle when it comes to this little gold hotspot. Forget windmills and castles. Put through pop cultural allusions, shark-infested waterways, and right up to the Nine Iron Throne. There’ll be enough to eat and drink, and karaoke will keep the celebration going.
Treat Yourself to a Spa Day
Turn off the outside world and let your worries and tension drift away. To reach the pinnacle of relaxation, City Cave provides float treatment, where you may dive in alone or with a friend. In the open waters, deprive your senses and float without any physical feelings. You may decide whether you like stillness or relaxing music in this serene area designed for inner serenity. With the availability of infrared saunas and massages, you may even get some R&R for your body and mind.
Take a Craft Class
At Mas and Miek’s ceramic studio, you may try your hand at moulding clay, throwing it on the wheel, and expressing your creative side. Interested in a bowl, vase, or cup you saw on Instagram? Create it and add your own style in a session designed for all levels of pottery expertise, from beginner to expert. The spacious Newstead studio has all you need to spark your imagination and get you glazing and firing like a pro.
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