Use Me is an intriguing style documentary meets thriller. Julian Shaw (plays himself) travels to America to film a documentary based on Ceara Lynch (plays herself). She is called a ‘mental humiliatrix’ – a sort of online adult entertainment worker who humiliates and dominates men online
Julian becomes seduced into this world of easy money, even to the point of raising cash on Kickstarter to stay overseas longer. He meets other people in the profession but is cautious about the clients.
Julian wonders if Ceara is using this sensitive material to blackmail her clients. Suddenly the tables are turned when the carefully curated online life becomes tarnished by reality.
Use Me has a clever twist with a refreshing storyline.
3.5 stars.
“Inspired by the reality I witnessed; I shaped the film around a fictional through-line which allowed me to explore characters (including my own) with greater emotional complexity.
It’s a visceral, suspenseful, sexually-charged thriller set in the intersection between reality and fiction, a cinematic crevice that is just right for the times we live in: the post-truth era.”
Julian Shaw, Director
About Use Me
USE ME is produced by Jonathon Green at Green Light Production Pty Ltd, Co-Produced/UPM by AJ Gordan and Distributed by Filmink Presents. It was the winner of the Brooklyn Film Festival 2019 and Sydney Underground Film Festival 2019.
Use Me is available on Apple TV, Google, Google Play, Sky Box Office, and YouTube on Thursday 11 March 2020.
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