Gin Loot’s resident liquor specialist, Tim Laferla shares his secrets behind the ultimate negroni.
It’s a classic gin cocktail that was originally created for Count Camillo Negroni. He asked for a stronger version of an Americano. This is made with vermouth, Campari and soda water, so the bartender simply swapped out the soda for gin.
Negroni has a strong and bitter flavour profile with herbaceous notes. Here are Tim Laferla’s top tips:
“One of the biggest mistakes with a Negroni is the sweet vermouth – remember that sweet vermouth is a fortified wine product that deteriorates over time. Make sure you store it in the fridge once opened and consume it within 2 months.”
“Many recipes call for different garnishes. Always use either an orange peel or an orange wedge. The orange wedge will give you a sweeter, more rounded cocktail, while an orange peel results in a brighter, more aromatic drink.”
“If you don’t have a mixing glass or mixing tin that is fine – the drink works well making straight in the glass as well. The benefit of straining over new ice is bigger ice cubes that will keep your drink colder for longer and make it less watery.”
Negroni Recipe
30ml Gin – Gin Loot recommends Kangeroo Island Spirits O’Gin
30ml Campari
30ml Sweet Vermouth
Garnish – Orange Peel
Ice – Cubed
Glass – Rock Glass
- Add all your ingredients to the mixing glass/tin.
- Fill mixing glass with cubes of ice.
- Stir for 30 seconds – 1 minute (until the mixing glass/tin is frosty).
- Strain into an ice-cold old fashioned glass over cubes of ice.
- Garnish with your choice of orange peel or orange wedges
Kangaroo Island Spirits O’Gin 700ml is available online at ginloot.com
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