We recently caught up with Rochelle Morgan, who kindly gave us an exclusive interview
How did you get interested in human resources?
I visited the first ever Recruitment Consultancy in Brisbane in the 1980s and was convinced that this was the type of help I wanted to offer other people. To this day I still really enjoy interviewing and helping people as a Career Advisor. Human Resources just then felt like a natural progression to curb my curiosity and it’s a passion I’ve never fallen out of love with.
What are some of the services you offer?
As a Human Resources Consultant, I manage end to end recruitment and selection processes, design, development and deliver induction training programs, present 12 different professional development workshops for entry-level to leadership staff, mediation services for staff, employee profiling and team building, performance management, position design, review, restructures and redundancies. Development of HR and Operational policies, procedures and fact sheets. Assisting managers dealing with difficult staff situations including suspensions and terminations.
I also offer corporate wellbeing programs, team building days and weekends (retreats) and self-care workshops for staff. A lot of the one on one coaching I provide for women centres around them reconnecting with themselves. Many of my female clients tend to come from a place where they have focussed too long on being the best mother, career person, wife and have forgotten about themselves. My coaching and retreats really just focus on bringing them back into line with their purpose, passion and how to create balance in their everyday lives.
Can you tell us about the last retreat you facilitated?
The last retreat I facilitated was held in an Executive Residence in the Gold Coast Hinterland. It was one of my Soul Pamper Retreats which offers women the perfect weekend relaxing getaway. On arrival the ladies are greeted with a glass of champagne, their own slippers, robe and a large gift bag full of pamper items including special blends of bath salts, creams and exfoliates to use on themselves during the weekend. There is also magazines, delicious sweets and some women’s essentials. The retreat includes a number of day spa and beauty treatments over the weekend, daily yoga, meditation, a goddess evening and workshops on self-care and healthy boundaries.
We also include a session on the ladies’ life purpose with a personalised chart and how they can implement what they have learned about themselves into their everyday lives. The facilities offer the best in healthy and tasty chef-prepared meals, sparkling in-ground pool, multiple private spas and plenty of space to relax and unwind. There is no Wi-Fi, television or anything to occupy your mind, however, this is a library full of books and mindfulness activities liking colouring in and gratitude board games etc.
What’s consciousness cleansing?
There are many references to the use of consciousness cleansing, however, at our retreats we utilise a number of different types of exercises to enable the participants to strip away experiences from their past that no longer serve them. In essence, it’s really all about being able to reconnect to those experiences, record your feelings and look at it from a different perspective, understand how holding onto parts of the experience may be hindering you and learning how to let go what you no longer need. We do two days of this with daily yoga, meditation and a final ceremony that provides the women to see themselves in a new light with new thought patterns so they can take this away with them.
Can you describe a typical day?
To be honest, every day is very different for me, depending on who I am working for. However, in saying this, I have everyday rituals that makes me a better person for my clients, so I have included these below and what my last day of work looked like:
Every Day Ritual
Morning – I get up at either 5 am or 6 am (onsite client expectations decide this). I spend an hour in the gym working out, then 30 minutes stretching and yoga poses. I follow this with another 30 minutes of meditation and sometimes journaling after. This is the routine that works for me to make sure I’m the healthiest version of myself for my clients, it brings a lot of calm into what can be a chaotic day.
Evening – Planning for the following day – a hot magnesium bath and I read for an hour before I go to bed usually at 10 pm
8 am – 10 am Reconnecting with You Coaching – Private Coaching Client
11 am – 1 pm Staff Profiling and Team Building – High School Client – Administration Staff
2 pm – 5 pm Assisting another client with performance development and management of a difficult staff member
6 pm – 8 pm Administration reporting and invoicing for clients
What’s been the highlight of your career so far?
The highlight of my career would have to be that at the age of 35 I was one of the youngest Acting Executive Directors in one of Queenslanders largest government organisations. Considering I never went to University, this was finally when I realised that I was doing ok.
What do you love most about what you do?
The interaction I get with all types of people. I might be working with tow truck drivers at 5 am one morning then teaching emotional intelligence to a group of executives the next day. I also love when I can see the difference I make with the women I coach one on one and at Retreats.
Who or what inspires you?
Everyday people who have succeeded in those areas I’m still learning about. For instance, I have been to the Hay House Writers Workshop twice in the past 3 years and these were two of the most inspirational experiences of my life. I’ve recently submitted my book proposal in hope that one day I will be on that stage telling my story.
Do you have any plans for the next 12 months?
Yes, absolutely, so many. If I don’t win the Hay House Writers Competition, I will be self-publishing my first book. I will also be introducing all of my online courses and programs onto my website and contributing more with guest speaking for a number of events.
One of my business partners and I are also launching our new business called POW – Pearls of Wisdom which is essentially a membership program with mastermind type activities. I will also finish my second book by the end of next year which will be a novel rather than memoir/self-help as my first one is. I will also finalise my Diploma in Counselling so I can offer onsite counselling services to my clients and one on one counselling services from my office.
About Rochelle Morgan
For more information or to book a retreat head to the Rochelle Morgan website.
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