Mud Army 2.0
The Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner announced that Mud Army troops are being deployed to help our flood-ravished city recover. We are calling on volunteers to sign up to the Mud Army 2.0 and help clean up Brisbane from these devastating floods.
You can register as a volunteer or as a resident who needs help with your clean up via this link: https://www.brisbane.qld.gov.au/community-and-safety/community-safety/february-2022-severe-weather-event-council-updates-and-impacts/mud-army-20
Disaster Recovery Payment
The Federal Government’s Disaster Recovery Payment will provide one-off payments of $1000 per eligible adult and $400 per eligible child to support locals who have been impacted by floods.
The Disaster Recovery Payment is a non-means-tested payment and has been made available to all eligible families in Brisbane Local Government Areas. If a person is a part of a couple, they can both make separate claims to receive the payment.
Eligible locals are invited to apply now at servicesaustralia.gov.au For more information call 180 22 66.
Public Transport
Service updates are available on the Translink website.
The Energex website has an Emergency Outages webpage with current information. You can search by your suburb and view Estimated Fix Time.
QLD Transport – Road Conditions
The Department of Transport and Main Roads has a Road Condition Information webpage.
Road Works and Potholes
Council’s Rapid Response crews are working around the clock and have filled and repaired more than 1400 potholes, but they need your help to report them. Please take photos and jot down the nearest roads and buildings.
You can report potholes by texting details to 0429 2 FIX IT (0429 234 948), calling the contact centre on 3403 8888 or logging a job online on the Report it: Potholes webpage.
Report an Issue for Repair
You can report a range of different issues for Brisbane City Council to repair on their Report issues and maintenance webpage.
Council’s February 2022 severe weather event: Council updates and impacts
Queensland School Closures
The Queensland Government lists the Emergency closed facilities for schools.
Weather Updates
The Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) website includes a Queensland Warnings Summary webpage.
GIVIT – Donate to Help People
GIVIT is the smart way to give. Through GIVIT.org.au, we channel generosity where it is needed to support vulnerable people and communities in Australia.
Working with more than 4,000 support organisations, we ensure people get what they need when they need it most – whether recovering from an emergency event, or experiencing hardship due to circumstances such as drought, domestic and family violence, homelessness, disability, and mental health.
GIVIT captures all offers of goods and services online, removing the need for charities and services to sort, store and dispose of unrequested donations, saving valuable resources. 100% of donated money received by GIVIT to support people in need are used to purchase essential items and services. We buy locally, wherever possible, to support local businesses and the economic recovery of affected communities. GIVIT’s operational costs are covered by government contracts and corporate partners.
Volunteering Queensland
We are the state peak body solely dedicated to advancing volunteering for the economic, social, cultural & environmental well-being of Queensland. Volunteering Queensland website.
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