Anyone’s Ghost by August Thompson depicts the lonely life of fifteen-year-old Theron David Alden, transformed when he meets Jake during one unforgettable summer in rural New England. Jake is seventeen, like-minded regarding drugs and bands, and owns the same driving force to oblivion!
Six years later in New York City, too-short, enraptured nights change their lives forever.
Over the passing of twenty years, Theron and Jake’s tumultuous relationship is brought to an end by a final collision, which tears them apart forever.
Theron not only wants Jake, but he wants to BE Jake! Does Jake, however, have the courage to want him back?
It took three car crashes to kill Jake!!
This is a ‘no holds barred’ love story, which, like so many before it, ends tragically. Beautifully and sympathetically crafted by the author, it is a revealing and thought-provoking must-read.
Anyone’s Ghost is an amazing first novel. May this talented author go on to write many more!
ISBN: 9781035034093
Publisher: Pan Macmillan Australia
Anyone’s Ghost is available in hardback and paperback.
About August Thompson
August Thompson was born and raised in the middle of nowhere, New Hampshire. He studied in New York and Berlin, wasted all of his good hearing at metal shows, taught English in Spain for two years, and spent another two on couches across three continents. He returned to New York as a Goldwater Fellow at NYU’s Creative Writing Program. Anyone’s Ghost is his first novel.
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