Beckett is a very lucky cat. Rescued as a kitten, Beckett has been taken care of by the ever-loving Rose, who tries to save him from getting into trouble. When his nine lives are just about up, Beckett starts to see the error of his ways. And it’s hard for him to break old habits.
With no lives left and faced with the inevitable, Beckett pleads for things to be back to how they were. At first his request is refused but in a moment of exceptional empathy, the ‘Gatekeeper’ has a change of heart and allows him to return to earth with a whole new set of lives.
What he doesn’t realize immediately however is that he’s returned as a different character, and brand new ways to get into trouble. But this time, it’s all in an effort to help Rose, her bee population and her clumsy boyfriend fight off industrial espionage.
It’s a funny and touching journey that sees Beckett turn from gloriously self-absorbed pet to a self-sacrificing hero.
10 Lives opens nationally Thursday 30 January 2025. Check your local guides for screening times.
About 10 Lives
Length: 88 mins
Rating: G
Directed by Christopher Jenkins
Stars Mo Gilligan, Simone Ashley, Sophie Okonedo, Zayn Malik, Bill Nighy
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